Children s day sms, Happy Children s day sms

Children s day is celebrated universally on 20 November. People sends Children s day sms on this day. In India it is celebrated on 14 November every year, the date the marks the birth anniversary of independent India’s first Prime Minister – Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Here is the collection of Children s day sms given :
Children s day sms : 1
“They may not always smell pure and sweet,
A dirty diaper or a dampened sheet.
But with a loving cuddle and a beautiful smile,
The joys of parenthood are all worth while.
Happy Childrens Day..!!”
Children s day sms : 2
“Children are the image of God
Let’s celebrate the spirit of childhood
on this International Children’s Day ”
Children s day sms : 3
“Desh ke Pragati ke hum hai Aadhar
Hum karenge Cha Cha Nehru ke Sapne Sakar
Happy Children’s Day ”
Children s day sms, Happy Children s day sms